Frequently Asked Questions
I did not receive my copy of one of the publications SFRA membership provides. What do I do?
I'd like to make a payment using the "Offline payment" method. How do I do that?
Simply use the information below to make a bank transfer. Please also contact the current Treasurer to inform them that you will be making a transfer.
Bank transfer information:
For incoming wires in U.S. dollars: use Bank of America’s SWIFT code or BIC BOFAUS3N.
For incoming wires in other currencies: use SWIFT code or BIC BOFAUS6S.
Account number:
Routing numbers:
122000661 (paper)
121000358 (electronic)
026009593 (wires)
I'm a librarian, and I want my institution to join SFRA for the publications. Is there a separate membership site for institutional members?
No; institutional and individual members pay the same fees.
Do I have to have an institutional affiliation to join?
No. SFRA welcomes unaffiliated scholars and fans!
What is the membership-term rationale?
To make it easier for our journal affiliates (and ourselves!), SFRA’s membership runs for a calendar year. If you join in July, you begin your membership from the previous January, and we’ll send you all the relevant publications.
I would love to attend your annual conference, but it's just too expensive. Do you offer any subsidies or scholarships?
Yes. We have a travel award for the annual conference. Check under ‘Awards’ for details. SFRA is particularly committed to ensuring that graduate students and international scholars are not priced out of attendance, and these groups are given priority for subsidies.
I'm having difficulty with something related to the website (registration, billing, and so forth).
Contact the webmaster. You’ll find the current person and their contact email address listed on the About page.
I want to join the SFRA listserv. How do I do that?
The SFRA listserv is open to all members of the SF community; you need not be an SFRA member to join. To join the listserv or obtain further information, visit the listserv information page: