About the SFRA

Our Mission

Improve classroom teaching,

Encourage and assist scholarship, and

Evaluate and publicize new books and magazines dealing with fantastic literature and film, teaching methods and materials, and allied media performances.

Among the membership are people from many countries — students, teachers, professors, librarians, futurologists, readers, authors, booksellers, editors, publishers, archivists, and scholars in many disciplines. Academic affiliation is not a requirement for membership.

This website provides information to prospective members, current members, and the general public, including membership information, calls for papers, notable achievements in the field, schedules for upcoming conferences, and other relevant announcements. It also contains an online archive of the SFRA Review, as well as other documents and materials related to the association.


As an international organization, we are watching developing policies and practices regarding travel between nations. We want to assure our members that, as always, we value diversity, equality, and inclusion. We are an international community of scholars and writers, and we will continue to support all those who believe in the free exchange of ideas. If you have concerns about your personal status, please contact the board with details.

Election Results

Dear SFRA, I’m pleased to pass on the results of the election for the next SFRA executive board:
* Hugh O’Connell has been elected President;
* Sarah Lohmann has been elected Secretary;
* Helane Androne and Gabriela Lee have been elected our first At-Large members for the 2023 pilot.
Thank you to all the candidates, and thank you to Keren Omry and Sean Guynes for their service on exec! 

SFRA Executive Committee

Officers of the Association

Hugh O’Connell

Sarah Lohmann

Immediate Past President
Gerry Canavan

Vice President
Ida Yoshinaga

Tim Murphy

At-Large Members
Helene Androne

Kania Greer

SFRA Staff

SFRA Review Editor
Ian Campbell

Join fellow scholars, educators, librarians, editors, authors, publishers, archivists, and artists from across the globe in the SFRA.