The SFRA is the oldest professional organization for the study of science fiction and the fantastic across media. Founded in 1970, the SFRA facilitates research and pedagogy related to science fiction, fantasy, and related speculative genres. Members include scholars, educators, librarians, editors, authors, publishers, archivists, and artists from across the globe. Academic affiliation is not a requirement of membership.

You can now add new memberships, including journal subscriptions. From November through January/February, however, we typically pause membership additions to update our book-keeping system. You will not be able to add journal subscriptions during that period if you are starting a new membership. So it may be best to join before November or February onward.

Note: As we have recently migrated our website to a new platform, there may be a delay in posting membership renewal information. Please be patient as we set up our new systems.

SFRA benefits include the following:


Three issues per volume year. The oldest journal in the field, with critical, historical, and bibliographical articles, book reviews, letters, occasional special topic issues, and an annual index.

Science Fiction Studies

Three issues per volume year. Includes critical, historical, and bibliographical articles, review articles, reviews, notes, letters, international coverage, and an annual index.

SFRA Review

Four issues per year. Includes extensive book reviews of both non-fiction and fiction, review articles, listings of new and forthcoming books, letters, SFRA internal affairs, calls for papers, works in progress, and an annual index. It is available to all members electronically.

The SFRA offers two separate annual membership options: “Electronic Only” and “Electronic plus Print.” Electronic Only (or e-Membership) includes electronic access to all 2018 issues of the journals listed above, all back issues of SFRA Review, and the previous three years of Science Fiction Studies. With the e-Membership, there is no geographically-based fee scale. Please Note: Institutional Memberships only provide Print Subscriptions to Science Fiction Studies.


If you are renewing your membership, or get an error message that says, “ERROR: This email has already been used. If you are an existing user, please Login to complete your purchase. You will be redirected back here to complete your sign-up afterward,” it means that your account has already been created on this website. Therefore you need to log in here BEFORE renewing your membership. After logging in, you will be redirected to this page to complete your sign-up!

Select the appropriate scenario from the following options
to be taken to your subscription options page.