Thomas D. Clareson Award

The Thomas D. Clareson Award for Distinguished Service is presented for outstanding service activities-promotion of SF teaching and study, editing, reviewing, editorial writing, publishing, organizing meetings, mentoring, and leadership in SF/fantasy organizations.

[*Each award is keyed to the calendar year preceding the conference at which it was presented.]

Award Committee

Graham J. Murphy (chair)

Stina Attebery

Ali Sperling


2024: Jeffrey Weinstock
2023: Shelley Streeby
2022: Gerry Canavan
2021: Grace Dillon
2020: Wu Yan
2019: Sherryl Vint
2018: Veronica Hollinger
2017: Pawel Frelik
2016: Farah Mendlesohn
2015: Vonda McIntyre
2014: Lisa Yaszek
2013: Rob Latham
2012: Arthur B. Evans
2011: The Tiptree Motherboard (Karen Joy Fowler, Debbie Notkin, Ellen Klages, Jeanne Gomoll, Jeff Smith, Pat Murphy)
2010: David Mead
2009: Hal Hall
2008: Andy Sawyer
2007: Michael Levy
2006: Paul Kincaid
2005: Muriel Becker
2004: Patricia Warrick
2003: Joe Sanders
2002: Joan Gordon
2001: Donald “Mack” Hassler
2000: Arthur O. Lewis
1999: David G. Hartwell
1998: Elizabeth Anne Hull
1997: James Gunn
1996: Frederik Pohl

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