The Web Director's Desk

Greetings! We are sorry that you have encountered an issue with the site. If you are experiencing any strange site behavior while trying to login or after renewing your membership–such as the site continuing to ask you to renew your membership, not allowing you to register for the conference, or otherwise preventing you from accessing site features or services–please try clearing your browser cache and restarting your browser. This has resolved most cases of strange site behavior associated with login and registration.

If you renewed your membership late in 2024 and find that the site is saying that your membership is not active, this is not an error. As indicated on the membership renewal form, SFRA membership is by calendar year, so you will need to renew your membership for 2025.

If you are encountering issues with PayPal, this may be an issue with PayPal itself. We are hard at work exploring possible causes and resolutions for this issue. In the meantime, if you encounter a persistent issue with PayPal that prevents you from paying for a membership or conference registration, please contact the SFRA Treasurer.

For any and all other inquiries or issues concerning your SFRA website experience, please contact the Web Director, David Shipko, at