by Carma | Feb 2, 2018 | SFRA Review
SF Review 323, the latest issue of SFRA Review, is now out! It includes an article on gender and SF via handmaids, androids, and sex dolls by our New Scholar Grant winner Emily Cox as well as a Feature 101 article by Victor Grech on Manichaeism in Star Trek’s Nanotechnology. In addition, inside you’ll find reviews of nonfiction, fiction, media, as well as details on the upcoming conference in July and a call for a new SFRA Review editor.
Hats off to Chris Pak, who has been a tremendous editor for the past four years, and to whom we all owe so much.
by Carma | Nov 9, 2016 | SFRA Review
Dear All,
SFRA Review 318 is now out, with a report by our Support a Scholar recipient Joy M. Hancock, who discusses her research project in her article, ‘Ice as Battlefield in 1920s German Science Fiction.’ Alongside this report, we have Feature 101 articles by Victor Grech on Dr. Bashir from Deep Space 9 and Mariano Martín Rodríguez on Gulliveriana post-Swift.
All this and our regular series of non-fiction, fiction, and media reviews. Enjoy!
by Carma | Aug 22, 2016 | SFRA Review
The new issue of the SFRA Review is now out!
This issue features the award remarks and speeches from the recent SFRA 2016 conference, along with the election statements for our candidates for positions on the SFRA Executive Committee.
In addition, we have a Feature Interview with Paolo Bacigalupi, a Feature 101, “Simulation Scenarios in the Star Trek Universe Reject Solipsism,” and our regular installment of fiction and non-fiction reviews.